Museo Archeologico Statale
The Archaeological Museum displays many finds from the area of the Roman town of Urbs Salvia: sculptures, inscriptions, amphoras, coins and important fragments of the Fasti Consulares and Triumphales.The Archaeological Park is considered the most significant site in Region Le Marche. The walking tour starts with a visit to the cisterns which supplied water to the town below. Just beneath the crown of the hill is the Theatre (the first quarter of the I century BC) built on the slope of the hill where Urbisaglia stands today. Lower down is the so-called Edificio a Nicchioni (building with large niches) which formed a picturesque link between the various levels of the town. At the foot of the hill lies the forum and the sacred area with a large temple probably dedicated to the goddess Salus Augusta surrounded by a cryptoporticus, underground arcade with well preserved frescoes in the III Pompeiian style with images connected to Augustan propoganda. On the other side of the Roman walls stands the amphitheatre (81-89 BC) built by Lucius Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus, conqueror of Masada.