La quintessenza del territorio
The Church Crocifisso d'Appresso

The Church Crocifisso d’Appresso

On a land owned by the Chierichetti family (a noble family from Mogliano), at the intersection of the road that goes to the church of the Crocifisso d’Ete, a chapel was built. On a wall, a fresco depicting the trinity, similar to a much older image in the church of the Crocifisso d’Ete, not far away in the Ete valley could have been seen. The chapel belonged to the Chierichettis, but the reason or the period of the construction are unknown. During the recent restoration some dates and names left by pilgrims to leave a sign of their presence have emerged. An engraved date, 1471, proves that the work dates back to an earlier period: before the construction of the chapel, the fresco was already the object of adoration by pilgrims.

After the death of Domenico Chierichetti in 1655, the ownership of the chapel passed to the Opera Pia Santa Maria di Piazza. Messrs. Girolamo Scorolli and Giandomenico Giannetti, then administrators of this Opera Pia, decided to build a church in honor of this much-revered image, so that the multitude of pilgrims could fulfil their vows, due to the floods which often involved the river Ete, not allowing you to reach the church of the Crocifisso d’Ete.
Then the archbishop of Fermo, cardinal Carlo Gualtieri, approved its construction, that started immediately, with a decree dated 2 May 1659. The wall with the fresco was located at the end of the new church, protected by beams. The construction was completed in a short time with a cost of 70 florins and was henceforth called “Crocifisso d’Apresso”, perhaps due to its proximity to the main church of the Crocifisso d’Ete.
This new church was used to welcome the many pilgrims, who at that time were very numerous and came from far away. Although small, it was much visited and venerated. It had an altar above which was emblazoned with the beautiful fresco of the Trinity of God. The fresco depicts the Trinity of God. God the Father sits on his throne and holds his crucified Son, wrapped up in his mantle. The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove sits on the crossbeam of the C
ross. In 1677 the archbishop ordered the administrators of Santa Maria di Piazza to take care of the consecration of the church.
During the pastoral visit (1684) the bishop affirmed that this church was built for the purpose of the daily devotion of the worshippers, following numerous manifestations of grace. Two weekly masses were celebrated and its celebration day was on 14th September, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in which, in addition to the pilgrims, all the brotherhoods of Mogliano took part, in order to pray for a plentiful harvest. Then, in 1727, Alessandro Borgia incorporated this property into the patrimony of the Church of San Grisogono, considerably reducing the importance of the Church. In the pastoral visit of 1765, Cardinal Urbano Paracciani ordered necessary restorations but there was a lack of funds due to a great famine. In 1786 a part the front of the church collapsed. Probably as a result of the previous earthquake. On 6 November 1916 the church was purchased by the Confraternity of the SS. Mogliano Crucifix. Even today, the families of the neighbourhood are taking care of the conservation of the church and the restoration of the fresco on the altar to pray the Rosary weekly, especially in the Marian month of May, when it is costumary to recite the prayer of the Rosary every day.

