La quintessenza del territorio
Former hospital of St. Michele

Former hospital of St. Michele

The earliest news of a hospital in Mogliano dates back to 1383 when Bonconte di Ruggero, grandson of Gentile da Mogliano, left 100 gold florins for its construction. It was necessary to wait until 1432 to see the first structure open, in a house in the square, by the will of Giovanni Blanchi.
A new hospital was erected outside the Porta Roma, in the place where there was a small church. The first stone was placed on 17 June 1776 and after some slowdowns and vicissitudes, it was completed in 1785.
The project seems to have been entrusted to Luigi Giannetti, while the control of the execution was entrusted to the noble Ermenegildo Chierichetti.
Inside, the upper floor retains its original appearance; the lower one, although modernized, was ennobled by an architecture that blends well with the ancient. In the large dormitory on the first floor you can admire two tempera paintings by Giambattista Fabiani from Moglianese, one depicting the Crucifix with the Adolorata, the other, in the ceiling, with Saint Joseph.
